
Mistakes People Make When Mowing

Mistakes People Make When Mowing

In your quest to achieve the most envy-worthy lawn, avoid these common mowing pitfalls:


Mowing with Dull Blades

A dull blade on your mower won’t just make your grass look torn, sloppy, and uneven — it could also leave your lawn more susceptible to fungus, disease, and pests due to this damage. Regularly inspect blades and plan to sharpen them yourself or have it done professionally twice each mowing season.


Mowing Too Frequently or Not Often Enough

Rather than mowing too often or not often enough, finding the just-right frequency will help your lawn grow thick and healthy. Weather conditions and grass type can affect the ideal schedule, but most lawns do best with a trim every 3-4 days throughout the mowing season.


Mowing When Grass Is Wet

Cutting grass just after a downpour is a recipe for disaster — and could be a waste of your time. Not only is the slick grass a slipping hazard, it can also clump up and cause expensive damage to your mower. Wet grass can mat down under the weight of the mower too, leaving your lawn looking patchy after an uneven cut.


Cutting Grass Too Short

While you might be tempted to hack off the bulk of the blades so you don’t have to mow as often, taking too much off the top can cause grass to dry out, turn brown, and even die. Instead, trim no more than a third of its length at a time, aiming for grass that’s 3-4 inches high.


Bagging Grass

Bagging clippings is a hassle and doesn’t boast the benefits of mulching. Grass clippings can help return nutrients to the soil and lock in moisture during the hot, dry days of summer.


Rushing the Process

While you might be in a hurry to check this chore off the list, rushing the job can lead to a choppy cut that needs repeated. Take the time to carefully mow and allow your mower to perform to its fullest.


Sticking with the Same Pattern

If you always stick with the same stripes, you could end up with compacted soil and grass overly trained to lean in one direction. Shake it up with a new pattern to keep your lawn growing healthy.

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How Much Water Does Your Lawn Need?
Controlling Moss in Your Lawn

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